I am currently watching "RBS: Inside the Bank That Ran Out of Money" on BBC ONE Scotland. I think the part that I have found particularly galling was the opening of the plush new Edinburgh headquarters in 2005.
Fred Goodwin and gang who thought they were going to rule the banking world are the most contemptuous shower of crooks. They and others like them have brought this country, indeed most of the world to it's knees.
So what is the way forward? It is interesting to note that after the Second World War, Clement Attlee's government was swept into power on a wave of euphoria. They were revolutionary in their thinking and among other things, established the NHS. Indeed this government's influence was so strong that it would continue to influence British governments for over thirty years. In fact Edward Heath's Conservative government of the nineteen seventies had more left leaning policies than Tony Blair's Labour government a quarter of a century later.
It wasn't until the strikes of the seventies and people's disillusionment with socialist policies which led to the advent of Thatcherism in the nineteen eighties that Britain took a sharp right turn. But it appears that a further thirty years on from Maggie's revolution that Britain may now looking to the left again.
Everything goes in cycles and the wind may be changing yet again.
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